New Ways of Membership

St. Placid Priory’s Connecting with Women Pilot Program

The Benedictine Sisters of St. Placid Priory share life with many people–women, men and youth.  We have made a decision to increase the sharing of our communal life with other women in as many ways as we are able.  We are in the process of beginning a way of connecting in which women may become Affiliates of St. Placid Priory.  For us, an Affiliate is a woman who belongs, yet may come and go as needed or desired.   We hope to invite you and other women interested in a closer relationship with us to:

  • Participate in our communal life of prayer, silence, lectio, the Liturgy of the Hours and Eucharist
  • Deepen your spiritual life, cultivate a contemplative spirituality, and grow in embodying Benedictine monastic values
  • Contribute your talents and energies to the daily life of the Priory community and ministries
  • Live with us in the monastery full time or part time, or from time to time as often as you can: to be mutually discerned with the community
  • Extend the presence of St. Placid Priory in your home and workplace
  • Participate in an annual commitment ritual
  • Make a donation or an inkind contribution to cover costs of residence, proportional to the amount of time you spend with us

If these possibilities resonate with the deepest part of you, consider Sister Joan Chittister’s advice:  “Find the thing that stirs your heart and make room for it.”

To learn more about this new way of belonging, please call Sister Sharon McDonald at 360.438.1771 or email Sister Sharon.



One Comment on “New Ways of Membership

  1. This sounds wonderful! I am interested in a deeper sense of community to carry in my heart as I go through my daily life.